Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Walking on a Dream!

I dont know exactly what i want the title of this blog to be, BUT i must say, inspiration comes in so many forms. I was surrounded by some really great, funny, loving, grateful, talented, passionate people last night. To be in a place that I've always dreamt of....was just....magical! For some, Its their normal, every day life...not mine YET! Last night was God's reminder to me that it was on the way....Life can change in a matter of minutes... continue to stay thankful and faithful. We all have our special little journeys... i think thats the fun part, we'll see eachother in passing, but our roads are completely different. Stay grateful.... Keep going hard at your work. Do what you love... Say what will be... think who u are and that you'll become!

Monday, March 11, 2013


I'm fixing this site up so ALL of you will be satisfied. Good reads, GREAT music... and awesome pics. Stay awhile... it only gets better from here!!! On the side of my blog you'll see a feature that says, "Pages". There, you'll be directed to my music page. #ShootingStars FREE download. We're updating... great things ahead!!!